Indianapolis Theft Crime Attorney

Are you or a loved one accused of a theft-related crime in Indiana? Are you overwhelmed and scared, potentially unsure of where to turn? That’s where an Indianapolis theft crime attorney from Wruble Law LLC can support you with a high-quality criminal defense.

Why Choose Wruble Law LLC?

At Wruble Law LLC, we’re a legal team fighting for the outcome you need. Our lead attorney Stanley Wruble has 25+ years of experience standing up for the rights of the accused and has gained prominence nationwide as a powerful legal mind.

You need an experienced and empathetic Indianapolis theft crime lawyer to stand up for your rights. So to get started working with us, you can book your free defense consultation online. Or you’re always welcome to call our office at (317)-308-8584. 

What Is A Theft Crime In Indiana? 

In the state of Indiana, crimes of theft occur when an individual takes into their own possession an item or property of value that belongs to another person. Unauthorized control occurs when the person takes the property without the owner’s consent. Indiana Code IC 35-43-4-1 is very specific about what does and does not constitute an unauthorized exertion of control over someone else’s property. 

The Indiana Codes defines exerting control over property as “to obtain, take, carry, drive, lead away, conceal, abandon, sell, convey, encumber, or possess property, or to secure, transfer, or extend a right to property” without consent. 

Examples Of Indiana Theft Crimes 

Indiana theft crimes encompass a range of illegal activities which carry varying penalties depending on the severity of the offense.

Crimes of theft can include:

  • Robbery
  • Burglary
  • Shoplifting
  • Grand Theft
  • Vehicular Theft
  • Check, Welfare, Medicaid, or Insurance Fraud
  • Identity or Notor Theft
  • Embezzlement
  • Larceny
  • Money Laundering
  • Dealing In Property With Removed Serial Numbers
  • Fuel Theft

Typical Sentencing For Theft In Indiana

Theft crimes can range from minor misdemeanors to major felonies, with penalties that can include hefty fines to time in jail or prison. Any conviction will leave a permanent mark on your criminal record, affecting your ability to obtain employment and damaging your personal and professional reputation.

Here are the specific advisory sentences in Indiana set under IC 35-43-4-2 regarding simple theft. The biggest deciding factor in why some theft crimes are felonies versus misdemeanors is the value and type of stolen property.

  • Level 5 Felony Theft: To receive this charge, an individual must have typically stolen property worth more than $50,000. However, there are specific caveats on if this offense was a second or third offense relating to automotive theft or theft of copper from public or critical facilities. If found guilty, an individual could receive one to six years of incarceration and fines up to $10,000.
  • Level 6 Felony Theft: To receive this charge, an individual must have stolen property ranging from $750 to $50,000. Additionally, stealing a firearm, motor vehicle, or motor vehicle parts for the first time would classify the theft as a Level 6 felony. If an individual has no priors under specific circumstances, a Level 6 Felony Theft charge could be reduced to a Class A misdemeanor.
  • Class A Misdemeanors: Any theft crime will likely be charged as a misdemeanor if it does not fit into the above two categories. This can confer a fine of up to $5,000 and up to a year in jail. Being found guilty of dealing in the altered property will also be considered a Class A Misdemeanor theft, as discussed under IC 35-43-4-2.3.

To be clear, the above list is not comprehensive. It is simply exploring the crimes classified as theft in Indiana. It does not include burglary or organized theft.

If you have any questions about the above sentencing advisory guidelines, contact us today to book a free consultation. We’re always happy to guide you as you’re dealing with your Indiana theft crimes case. 

An Indianapolis Theft Crime Lawyer From Wruble Law LLC That Is On Your Side

If you are being charged with one of these crimes, you need a legal team at your side that will defend your rights and aggressively fight the charges. The lead attorney at Wruble Law LLC will conduct an extensive investigation into the incident and create a detailed defense that can give you an increased chance to reach the outcome you need.

At Wruble Law LLC, our experienced Indianapolis theft crime attorney can work to develop a strong defense against theft crime charges. From negotiations with the prosecution to fighting for a not-guilty verdict during a jury trial, we are highly experienced in every phase of the legal process and will work together with you to pursue the most effective course of action for your unique situation. 

You or your loved one deserves exceptional and competent legal counsel. Contact the Indianapolis criminal defense law team of Wruble Law today – call (317)-308-8584 for your free theft crime case review. You can also make a free initial consultation request by booking an appointment online today.