Indianapolis Juvenile Offense Attorney

When a person under the age of 18 makes a mistake, the consequences can follow them for decades. As trusted, experienced criminal defense lawyers, we see the implications this has on the quality of life, well-being, and overall financial security it can have on an individual. When an Indianapolis juvenile offense occurs, even if you…

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What Constitutes A Crime Of Passion?

Emotions are powerful factors that play a role in everything we do. Sometimes, they can become so intense that they make it difficult to make wise decisions. Often, this is called a crime of passion. If you have been charged with a crime like this, it is critical to understand what it means to…

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What Is The Goal Of A Criminal Defense Lawyer?

If you find yourself in legal jeopardy due to criminal charges that have been brought against you, the first thing you should do is hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer. Whether you are facing felony or misdemeanor charges, having a solid criminal defense is imperative to protect your freedom, finances, and your good name….

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How Long Does A DUI Stay On Your Record In Indianapolis?

If you are convicted of a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charge in Indianapolis, there is a chance that it will permanently remain a part of your criminal record. This can jeopardize opportunities for education, scholarships, employment, housing, and even insurance premiums. While it can remain on your record forever, there are ways to…

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Can I Get A DUI After Having One Drink?

Part of going out to dinner, to a show, or to happy hour is having a nice glass of wine, a cocktail, or an ice-cold beer. While this is an enjoyable part of socializing and unwinding, even one drink can put you at risk for a driving under the influence (DUI) charge. It is…

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What Happens If You Get Charged With Rape in Indianapolis

If you have been accused of rape, you have a personal understanding of how devastating such a charge can be. The accused will face stiff penalties and lifelong consequences. If convicted, life will no doubt change forever. When facing a rape charge in Indianapolis, it is important to understand the possible consequences and to…

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