There is no denying the fact that a DUI charge can be a stressful and nerve-wracking experience. If you have been charged with a DUI in Indiana, you may be wondering about the repercussions of this offense on your driving privileges. One of the most common concerns is whether you will lose your license if convicted.
If you are worried about losing your driver’s license after being charged with a DUI, our knowledgeable attorney at Wruble Law LLC can help. From our office in Indianapolis, Indiana, we provide legal counsel to clients facing DUI charges throughout the state of Indiana, including Hamilton County, Hendricks County, Boone County, Marion County, and Johnson County.
DUI License Penalties in Indiana
The first step in understanding the potential consequences of a DUI conviction is to know the penalties for DUI in Indiana. Being convicted of a DUI offense in Indiana—also known as operating while intoxicated (OWI)—may lead to severe consequences such as fines, imprisonment, probation, and a mandatory driver’s license suspension.
The length of the license suspension depends on the number of prior DUI convictions on your record:
- First OWI offense. The driver’s license suspension can last from 90 days to two years.
- Second OWI offense. If you have a prior DUI conviction on your record, the length of the license suspension could last from 180 days to two years.
- Third OWI offense. When you have two or more prior DUI convictions on your record, your license could be suspended for a minimum of one to six years.
If you are facing DUI (OWI) charges, it may still be possible to avoid a suspension of your driver’s license and other penalties. Our DUI attorney in Indianapolis at Wruble Law LLC can help you determine the best defense strategy tailored to your specific circumstances.
Indiana Hardship License
In Indiana, if your license has been suspended due to a DUI charge, you may be eligible for a hardship license, a temporary license that allows individuals to drive to school, work, or other life-sustaining activities.
Under Indiana law, some drivers may be eligible to apply for a hardship license that grants them limited driving privileges during the suspension period. Most drivers are eligible to apply for a hardship license. However, some categories of people are not eligible to apply. These individuals include:
- Indiana non-residents
- Individuals whose driver’s license was suspended for refusing to submit to chemical testing
- Those convicted of vehicular manslaughter
- Individuals who were granted a hardship license in the past but violated the conditions
Indiana law also prohibits commercial drivers from applying for a hardship license. When your application for a hardship license is granted, you will be required to follow certain conditions, including the following:
- Follow the terms of the order.
- Always keep a copy of the order that grants the hardship license in your vehicle or on your person.
- Be willing to show a copy of the order upon the police officer’s request.
- Maintain vehicle insurance that meets state requirements.
If you need help with obtaining a hardship license when your driver’s license has been suspended due to a DUI in Indiana, contact our attorney at Wruble Law LLC.
Getting Your License Reinstated
If your driver’s license was suspended and you want your license reinstated, there are certain steps you should take. According to the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, the steps for getting your driver’s license reinstated include:
1. Understand Your Situation
If your driver’s license was suspended by a court order, you will need to contact the court that suspended your license and determine which requirements must be satisfied to get your license reinstated. The requirements may vary from one court to another. If you do not understand how to contact the court or which requirements must be satisfied, contact an attorney to get legal guidance.
2. Get Proof of Financial Responsibility
If you want to get your license reinstated after the suspension due to DUI charges, you must request your insurance provider to submit proof of financial responsibility to the state’s Bureau of Motor Vehicles. You cannot submit this proof yourself, as the BMV only accepts insurance policy documents, including proof of financial responsibility, from insurance providers.
3. Pay Reinstatement Fees
When it comes to getting your driver’s license reinstated, you must pay reinstatement fees. If you do not understand how to check reinstatement fees in your specific situation, contact an attorney to get help. Our attorney at Wruble Law LLC can walk you through every step of the license reinstatement process.
Get Your Questions Answered
Being charged with DUI in Indiana can be an overwhelming experience. In Indiana, you will face mandatory license suspension, fines, imprisonment, and other penalties if convicted of DUI. Hiring an experienced and compassionate attorney can help you navigate Indiana’s complex DUI laws and ensure that you receive expert legal representation. Contact Wruble Law LLC to safeguard your rights, preserve your driving privileges, and strive to obtain a favorable outcome.